
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology


The Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology was founded as an Institute of Biology in 1971, and took its current name in 1997. The head of Institute is Prof. Dr. Edit Buzás (2012-).
Former directors: Prof. Dr. György Csaba (1971-1994), Prof. Dr. András Falus (1994-2012).

The activity of the Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology (DGCI) includes teaching, research and diagnostics. Our scientific work focuses on a broad scale of immunology, cell biology and genomics. The applied methodologies include: cell- and molecular biological, immunological, genomic and bioinformatic techniques and procedures.

The scientific research groups of the Department:

  1. Extracellular Vesicle Research Group
  2. Medical Genomics Research Group
  3. Chemotaxis Research Group
  4. Experimental Rheumatology Research Group
  5. MTA-SE "Lendület" Experimental and Translational Immunimics Research Group

The scientific activity is financed chiefly by domestic and international (e.g. EU) grants.

The major instrumentation includes Agilent/Kromat microarray (chip) scanner and system (University core facility), laser confocal microscopy (BioRad), flow cytometer and cell sorter system (Beckton-Dickinson), ABI Prism QPCR (Applied Biosystems), scanning electron microscopy (Hitachi) and gel documentation systems. We run a transgenic core animal facility, as well.

The teaching activity of the DGCI is multiple, too. In gradual education we teach Immunology, genetics/genomics and bioinformatics for medical, pharmacologist and dentist students in Hungarian, English and German languages. The special courses are: histamine biology, advanced molecular genetics, sex genetics, advanced genomics, chemotaxis etc. These lectures are available for undergraduate and graduate students in three languages, too.

Our diagnostic activity includes immunophenotyping analysis for various clinics of Semmelweis University and other institutions.

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