
Kiralyhidi Panna

Position: PhD Student (supervisor: Prof. NAGY, György)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Room: NET 718
Phone: +36 1 210 2930 / 56469


The user name and password are published in the NEPTUN.

Course coordinators:
Cell Science, Cell biology,
Genetics (EPh):

Dr. LÁNG, Orsolya

Dr. HOLUB, Marianna
+36 1 210 2930 / 56234

Genetics and Genomics:
Dr. HEGYESI, Hargita
+36 1 210 2930 / 56326

Academic (Neptun) administration:
+36 1 210 2950
+36 1 210 2930 / 56253

Office hours of course coordinators >>>

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