
„Biology I.” (GYKGEN109E_1A) encoded by CV
in the second semester of 2020/21 Academic Year for Pharmacy students


In the second semester of 2020/21 Academic Year Biology I (GYKGEN109E_1A) is announced without lectures and practices. Those students who have already got practice grade and signature for Biology I, are allowed to take Biology I (GYKGEN109E_1A) exam after the second semester of 2020/21 (with the number of possibilities that remained in the first semester of 2020/21). Students have to register in Neptun system for Biology I (GYKGEN109E_1A) labelled by CV (only exam) announced in the second semester of 2020/21.

The exam dates will be given in the Neptun system.

The exam topics are the same as the topics of Biology I (GYKGEN109E_1A) 00 of the first semester of 2020/21.


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