for students of Pharmacy
in the second semester of 2019/2020 Academic Year
Dear Students!
Please find below the join URLs of the online lectures and practices. All lectures and practices start as announced in the timetable of this semester.
Please sign in to access the URL list!
The above content is regularly updated. If you cannot find the URL of your practice, please visit this page later!
General information
Prerequisite subject: Biology I
Credits: 2+1
Attendance: 75% of the lessons and practices
Exam: written test in the exam period.
Biology II covering Basic Human Genetics has theoretical (GYGENBILE2A - lecture) and laboratory (GYGENBILG2A - practice) parts too. According to the Academic and Examination Rules (17§ 7-8.) the students must visit at least 75% of the practices. Attendance on the practices will be checked weekly. More than three absences from the practices of ANY REASON invalidate the semester, no signature is given and to sit for the exam is not allowed. There are no extra lectures and practices. On the practices a notebook for notes and drawings, and colored pencils are needed.
Remember the exact time of lectures and practices. Being late (10 or more minutes) from practice is considered as an absence.
The slides, microscopes and other belongings in the Labs (Practice Rooms) should be handled with care. Any disappearance or harm in them should be paid by the groups working in the same room.
In this semester you have two midterms: in the 5th (written) and 13th week (written) practice time. On midterms questions will be from practice and lecture. Absence from the midterm is considered as absence from the practice. At the end of the semester your performance will be evaluated by a practical grade. Requirements of practice signature and grade are: not more than three absences from the practices and the average of midterm grades has to be minimum 2.0. Requirement of lecture signature is: practice grade and not more than three absences from the practice. In the case of midterm failure you will have a chance for retake during the semester, and if it is needed a very last chance at the beginning of examination period before the final exam. There is no chance to improve midterm grades. You may have written tests, too.
If you have got lecture signature, in the examination period you will have final exam that will be a written test (multiple choice, essay, drawing etc. similar to midterms) covering practice and lecture parts of both Biology I and Biology II. To pass the exam you have to reach 50% of scores both in Biology I and II questions.
Online registration for the exam through Neptun system will be from the second part of April. Students have three exam chances. In the examination period there are voluntary consultations.
There will be more information on the homepage of the Department (http://gsi.semmelweis.hu, the user name and password is on course datasheet of the Neptun): eg. lecture and practice presentations, detailed topic list for midterms and final exam.
Course coordinator |
Dr. Orsolya Láng |
Room 719 (7th floor) NET Building |
Head of the Department |
Prof. Dr. Edit Buzás |
Room 717 (7th floor) NET Building |
Dear Students,
Please, find below more information about Biology II Exam.
The Biology II. exam is organized in Moodle every Tuesday in the exam period.
The test starts at 16:00 with 45 minutes time limit.
The Rectors’ directive for examinations within the distance-learning mode must be followed during the exam:
Based on the Dean's directive (53092-3 / AOATO / 2020), the registration for the exam closes at Neptun at 12:00 the day before the exam. After this, you will not be able to register or de-register.
The exam is organized in Zoom groups and Moodle. The test will be visible just before the exact time of the exam starts. Please, join the Zoom group meeting using the link you get in the NEPTUN the day before the exam. The link will take you to a waiting room, from where students will be admitted one by one
You must show your identity card or student's identity document before the start of the exam. For personal identification, we use the list of personal data sent in advance by the Dean's Office. You must have and use correctly student ID card, microphone and camera. You must have your microphone and video on showing you during the whole exam. Without these your exam will not be accepted.
Before starting the exam, you should agree in Moodle or Zoom that you know and accept the current regulations of the distance test (see above) and accept that the examination takes place on a specific electronic interface. Student also agrees and accepts that will not use any other aids.
After these, the teacher tells and writes the password of the test in a chat window. The student is required to use the Zoom and webcam throughout the whole exam.
If the connection was broken during the exam through no fault of the student and student can prove it within 3 days, we will judge the situation individually.
The result of the exam will be in the Neptun within 48 hours.
The exam grade will be calculated as follows:
Scores |
Grade |
0 |
29 |
1 |
30 |
36 |
2 |
37 |
44 |
3 |
45 |
52 |
4 |
53 |
60 |
5 |
Exam topic:
The whole semester course of Biology I. and Biology II will be included (all lectures, practical’s see the exam topic list below). There will be for example single choice questions, figures, drop-down list, and make-order-type questions.
To pass the exam you have to reach 50% of scores both in Biology I and II questions.
Please, find me in e-mail if you have more questions
Kind regards,
Orsolya Lang MD PhD
course coordinator
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
We arrange online consultations (in Zoom), on the first day of each week in the exam period. Please sign in to access Consultation dates and joins URLs!
The consultation lasts for maximum 70 minutes. If there are no students present at the beginning of the consultation, it will be cancelled.
Dr. Kiss Levente
Oktatásfejlesztési, -módszertani és -szervezési Központ (OFMSZK) 1094 Budapest, Tűzoltó u. 37-47. 3.337/2.
Telefon: (1) 459 1500/60342
Mobil: +36-20-384-5753
The user name and password are published in the NEPTUN.
Course coordinators:
Cell Science, Cell biology,
Genetics (EPh):
Dr. LÁNG, Orsolya
Dr. HOLUB, Marianna
+36 1 210 2930 / 56234
Genetics and Genomics:
Dr. HEGYESI, Hargita
+36 1 210 2930 / 56326
Academic (Neptun) administration:
+36 1 210 2950
+36 1 210 2930 / 56253