
Topic list

Genetics and Genomics (FOKGEN181_1A-00)
Faculty of Dentistry II. Semester 2019/2020



Friday 14:15 – 15:45, 
NET Selye (Green) Hall
From 23 March: online course in Zoom

From 23 March: online course in Zoom

1st week

(3-7 Feb)

Introduction to human genetics

Atypical mitosis

2nd week

(10-14 Feb)

Monogenic inheritance
(Autosomal inheritance)


Typical and atypical meiosis

3rd week

(17-21 Feb)

Role of sex in inheritance

Cytogenetics I
ppt   doc

 4th week

(24-28 Feb)

Genetic variations

Cytogenetics II
ppt   doc

5th week

(2-6 Mar)

Chromosomal aberrations

Introduction to pedigree analysis
ppt /
with voice: ppt 

6th week

(9-13 Mar)

Rector's Education Break

Rector's Education Break

(16-20 Mar)

Spring holiday

Spring holiday

7th week

(23-27 Mar)

Introduction to genomics
Methods in genomics
/ with voice: ppt

Molecular genetic methods and applications in human genetics I
ppt / with voice: ppt

8th week

(30 Mar - 3 Apr)

Pharmacogenomics and nutrigenomics
 / with voice: ppt

Autosomal dominant inheritence
/ with voice: ppt

9th week

(6-10 Apr)

Official holiday (Good Friday)

Official holiday (Good Friday)

10th week

(14-17 Apr)

Complex inheritance
ppt / with voice: ppt

Autosomal recessive inheritence
ppt / with voice: ppt

11th week

(20-24 Apr)

/ with voice: ppt

Sex-linked inheritence
ppt / with voice: ppt

12th week

(27-30 Apr)

Official holiday

Official holiday

13th week

(4-8 May)

Gene and genome manipulation
ppt / with voice: ppt

Molecular genetic methods and applications in human genetics II
ppt / with voice: ppt

14th week

(11-15 May)

Genetics of biological processes
ppt / with voice: ppt

From genes to bedside





Dear Students!

Please find below the join URLs of the online lectures and practices. All lectures and practices start as announced in the timetable of this semester.


Please sign in to access the URL list! 


The above content is regularly updated. If you cannot find the URL of your practice, please visit this page later!




Course information


Prerequisite subject: Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology III, Medical and Dental Physiology II. 
Credits: 2
Attendance: 75% of the lessons
Exam: written test in the exam period.


The Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology offers Genetics and Genomics course for 3rd year English Dentistry students in the second semester.

In the case of having Genetics credits from other university, claim for exemption has to be handed to Dr. Ágnes F. Semsei (tutor) not later than 14th of February.

Genetics and Genomics course provides basic knowledge on general and human genetics and genomics. The course have lecture and practice (laboratory) parts. According to the Academic and Examination Rules, the students must visit at least 75% of the practicals. This is the requirement for the validity of the semester. More than three absences from the practice, invalidate the semester, no signature is given. There are no extra practices. In the case of an acute illness, students may attend other practices with the permission of the tutor.

During the semester bonus scores can be collected (maximum 10) on the lectures and practices. Lecture extra scores (maximum 5) can be collected if you answer correctly the short questions at the end of the lecture (written). Practice extra scores (maximum 5) can be collected on the practices if you solve tasks given by your practice teacher. The extra scores will be added to the exams scores as bonus scores (for more information see the Exam tab).

Competition (written) will be organized on the 13th week, all students are invited. Students with a result above 70% will be offered an exam grade.




  • Genetics and genomics (e-book): (The user name and password is on course datasheet of the Neptun)
  • Lecture and practice presentations, (occasionally) hand-outs:



Job title




Hargita Hegyesi, PhD
(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

NET 611

Head of the Department

Prof. Edit Buzás, PhD, DSC

NET 717



Genetics and genomics ebook: pdf




The Rectors’ directive for examinations within the distance-learning mode will be followed during Genetics and genomics exams: pdf

The exams are organized in Moodle and Zoom together.

Based on the Dean's directive (53092-3 / AOATO / 2020), the registration for the exam closes at Neptun at 12:00 the day before the exam. After this, you will not be able to register or de-register.

On the day before the exam, students will receive a Neptun message / e-mail with the Zoom meeting link. The link will take you to a waiting room, from where students will be admitted one by one. You must show your identity card or student's identity document before the start of the exam. For personal identification, we use the list of personal data sent in advance by the Dean's Office. You must have and use correctly student ID card, microphone and camera. You must have your microphone and video on showing you during the exam. Without these your exam will not be accepted.

Before starting the exam, the student agrees in Moodle and Zoom that he/she knows and accepts the current regulations of the distance test (see above) and accepts that the examination takes place on a specific electronic interface. Student also agrees and accepts that he/she will not use any other aids.

After these, the teacher tells and writes the password in a chat window. The student is required to use the Zoom and webcam throughout the exam.

If the connection was broken during the exam by no fault of the student and student can prove it within 3 days, we will judge the situation individually.

The result of the exam will be in the Neptun within 48 hours after the exam.



Examination info

The semester is finished by a written exam (multiple choice and essay questions, family tree, kariogram, evaluation of molecular genetic studies etc.) For passing (Grade 2-5), you have to reach more than 50 % of the exam scores. The exam grade will be calculated from the sum of exam scores (maximum 60) and bonus scores (maximum 10). The exam questions are based on the e-book, lecture and practice presentations and handouts.

Final grade calculation for students at the 1st and 2nd exams:

Students have to reach minimum 31 scores on the exam to calculate Total score. Below 31 scores, the exam is failed.

Total score: 

Exam points
+ homework scores
+ lecture scores

Final grade












Final grade calculation for students at the 3rd and 4th exams and for FM course students:

Lecture scores and homework scores are not calculated.

Exam score

Final grade












Exam topic list: pdf




Genetics and genomics consultations

We arrange online consultations (in Zoom), on the first day of each week in the exam period. Please sign in to access Consultation dates and joins URLs!

The consultation lasts for maximum 70 minutes. If there are no students present at the beginning of the consultation, it will be cancelled. 




Dear Students,

Congratulations to your points and grades at the competition!

Those who receive grade 5 or 4 at the Genetics and genomics competition:

Please, note that the competition grade will be final after you have received the signature of Genetics and genomics. More than three absences from the practice invalidate the semester, no signature and competition grade is given. You will see the grade in the Neptune in the first week of the examination period.

Kind regards,

Dr. Agnes Semsei
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Neptun code Lecture score Homework score Competition score Total score % Grade
b2jewv 2 4 52 58 97% 5
jj16uu 2 5 50 57 95% 5
j5a9sf 3 5 48 56 93% 5
wi0z2z 3 5 48 56 93% 5
ouh9ji 3 5 47 55 92% 5
r27ohe 2 5 47 54 90% 5
qu8oss 1 5 48 54 90% 5
cacin3 0 5 48 53 88% 4
e84z0c 2 5 45 52 87% 4
wtth2i 3 4 43 50 83% 4
weg244 2 4 44 50 83% 4
ce12o5 2 4 44 50 83% 4
ku2bcw 3 4 42 49 82% 4
cvfkux 0 4 39 43 72% 4
itwx18 2 5 33 40 67%  
dvwsj5     37 37 62%  
prwd2i 3 5 28 36 60%  
fs6rma 1 4 29 34 57%  
smldta 2 2 28 32 53%  
qn54ev 0 5 26 31 52%  
eiyt9s 2 5 18 25 42%  
jqk0ot     22 22 37%  
q6371h 0 2 11 13 22%  



Dear Students,

Please, find below more information about Genetics and genomics competition.

Genetics competition is organized on 5th of May 2020, Tuesday, from 10:10 the maximum until 11:25 in Moodle. There are 28 questions and 45 minutes time limit.

The Rectors’ directive for examinations within the distance-learning mode must be followed during the competition.

The competition is organized in Zoom groups and Moodle. The competition test will be visible just before the competition starts. Please, join the Zoom group meeting using the link available for you in Moodle. You must show your identity card or student's identity document before the start of the competition. Password of the competition will be told in Zoom. You must have your video on showing you during the competition.

To help you to try Moodle test, I made a test available already now: Try Competition genetics and genomics (password: try).

The whole semester course will be included in the competition topic (all lectures, practical’s and e-book). There will be for example single choice questions, pedigrees, kariograms and molecular genetic questions, drop-down list, and make-order-type questions. You will not be asked to type in text. Please, have your calculator also with you. You will also asked to use web browser for some questions.

The grade will be calculated from the maximum of 60. Bonus scores are extra. Students with a result above 70% will be offered an exam grade.

Please, find me in e-mail if you have more questions or not see the Try Competition genetics and genomics now or Zoom competition group. (Zoom competition group will not start now, just should be visible.)

Good luck on the competition!

Kind regards,

Dr. Ágnes Semsei

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Genetics and genomics tutor



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