
Medical Biology (AOKOGEN462_1A) encoded by CV in the second semester of 2018/2019 Academic Year for Students of Medicine


In the second semester of 2018/19 Academic Year Medical Biology (AOKOGEN462_1A) is announced without lectures and practices. Those students who have already the signature for Medical Biology, are allowed to take Medical Biology (AOKOGEN462_1A) exam after the second semester of 2018/2019 (with the number of possibilities that remained in the first semester of 2018/2019). Students have to register in Neptun system for Medical Biology (AOKOGEN462_1A) labelled by CV (only exam) announced in the second semester of 2018/2019.

The exam dates will be given in the Neptun system.

The exam topics are the same as the topics of Medical Biology (AOKOGEN462_1A) 00 of the first semester of 2018/19.


Consultations (in the NET building)

27 May (Monday)        11.00      L15
3 June (Monday) 10.00 L15
11 June (Tuesday) 10.00 L15
17 June (Monday) 10.00 L15
24 June (Monday) 10.00 L15
1 July (Monday) 10.00 L15 (date may change due to Semmelweis Day)

The consultation lasts for maximum 90 minutes. If there are no students present at the beginning of the consultation, it will be cancelled.


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