Inflammation Biology (AOSGEN135_1A-00)
2018/19. 2nd Semester
Elective subject
prerequisite subject: Immunology
Lectures in NET Sz6
The sequence of the lectures may vary.
Time: Wednesday 15:20-16:50
The place of inflammatory processes in the immune response and in the health science. Introduction
6 Feb
No lecture due to the Research Students' Conference
Inflammatory cells I.: Antigen presenting cell, monocytes-macrophages, eosinophils and neutrophils
20 Feb
Inflammatory cells II.: Basophils and mast cells
27 Feb
Molecular mechanisms of the acute inflammation
6 March
Chemotaxis and chemokines in the inflammation
13 March
20 March
Genomics of acute phase reactants
27 March
Autoinflammatory diseases
3 Apr
Epigenetics of inflammation
10 Apr
Spring Holiday
Role of inflammation in the regeneration and tumorigenesis
24 Apr
Public Holiday
Inhibition of inflammation, biological therapies
8 May
Summary; Exam consultation
15 May
For the valid semester and for the exam registration students have to visit at least 75% of the lectures (Academic and Examination Rules, Article 17, Section 7). Do not register into this course if you have other lesson in the same or overlapping time!
Exam info
The exam mark will be calculated from the scores of a written test. The questions are based on the lecture presentations. For downloading the presentations you have to login onto our homepage. The user name and the password can be found in the web address line of Neptun course page.
Recommended literature:
- Jakab L, Kalabay L: The acute phase reaction syndrome: The acute phase reactants. (A review). Acta Microbiologica et Immunologica Hungarica 45:409-418, 1998.
- Fulop AK, Falus A. Possibilities and results in the wide-scale genomic analysis of inflammation. Looking for the child among many midwives. Inflamm. Res. 2004 Oct;53(10):517-22.
- Fülöp AK: The role of histamine in the hepatic acute phase reaction and systemic inflammation (Chapter 4.4.) in Falus A. (Ed.): Histamine Biology, Spring Med and Karger 2004.
- Andras K. Fulop : Genetics and Genomics of Hepatic Acute Phase Reactants: A Mini-Review. Inflammation & Allergy - Drug Targets, 2007, 6(2), 109-15.
- Laszlo Bene, Andras Falus, Noemi Baffy, Andras Kristof Fulop: Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms in the Two Major Forms of Inflammatory Bowel Disease. Pathol. Oncol. Res. (2011) 17:463–472