Immunology (AOKGEN470_1A)
(3 credits)
Course Description: This course provides a basic knowledge of the structure and mechanisms of the immune system, immunological responses in health and disease.
Topic list
2018/19 1st Semester
Lecture is cancelled on October 22nd – INSTEAD of it, lecture is held on October the 13th, Saturday.
Classes are cancelled on October the 23rd, and on November the 1st.
Classes are cancelled on November the 2nd – INSTEAD of it Friday classes are held on November the10th, Saturday.
Prerequisite subject: Biochemistry, Molecular and Cell Biology II. (AOKOVM464_2A)
Course Instructors and Contact Information:
Course instructor: Dr Marianna Csilla Holub, PhD
Office: NET 618
Office hours: As posted on the website of the Department
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Emails must include your full name and student number and have a descriptive subject line.
Expect an average response time of 2 business days. Email will not be checked on weekends or holidays.
Email is not a substitute for office hours. Some questions and/or concerns are better addressed in person and you will be asked to come to office hours.
Lecturer and Chairman of the Department: Prof. Dr Edit Buzas, MD, DSc
Office: NET 717 - If you wish to discuss something with her, please email to set up an appointment.
According to the Academic and Examination Rules (17§ 7-8.), students must visit at least 75% of the classes: Attendance of a minimum of 75% of both the lectures and practices is necessary for the end-term signature. We check the presence of students at the lectures randomly during the semester. More than three absences from the lectures invalidates the semester. The presence at the seminars (practices) are registered weekly, more than three absences from the seminars invalidate the semester as well.
It is YOUR responsibility to get to class on time – more then 10 minutes delay means an absence. Plan to be on campus early on test days; transit and/or traffic issues happen but you cannot be given extra time to write. Plan to be at exams early.
The final grade for the course will be based on the following items weighted as indicated:
Lecture activities – 3 question Questionnaire at the end of 5 random lectures throughout the semester: 5 points
Midterm (lecture time November 5th) - 40 min. long written midterm test: 35 points
Semi-final exam (date and time set by Neptun) – 90 min. long written test: 60 points
Your mark will be calculated as follows:
On the first and second exams, the grade will be calculated from the sum of the midterm scores, lecture activity scores and the exam scores (maximum 35 midterm points + 5 activity points + 60 exam points = 100 points). If you miss the midterm exam, 0 (zero) points will be added to your exam score. Students have to reach more than 50 % of both the exam scores (31 out of 60) and the total scores (51 out of 100) to pass. At the third and fourth exam, the scores of the midterm test and lecture activities don’t count to the final exam score any more.
Exemption from the exam:
During the semester, a two-round competition will be organized. The first round is the midterm exam, and based on the results of this, the department will invite the best students to the second round (taking place during the 13th week). Students having the best scores are offered to get an exam grade 4 or 5.
Required Textbook:
KUBY Immunology : Kuby Immunology 7th Edition. J. Owen, J. Punt and S. Stranford. W.H. Freeman and Company Publishers. • New York • 2013
Immunology seminars (e-book): (The user name and password is on the course datasheet of the Neptun.)
Lecture and practice ppt presentations
Further Information
You will be responsible for material presented in class and associated textbook sections. The textbook is your resource and will help you understand this material. It contains many of the visuals presented in the lectures. Pay careful attention to the Figures and to the questions and guidelines for study at the end of each chapter.
Midterm: The midterm is not a requirement for the validity of the semester. Recording of the midterm tasks is NOT permitted. Students in violation of these policy may have legal action taken against them.
The midterms will consist predominantly of multiple choice but include short answer, table fill-in, matching and drawing type questions. The semifinal exam will have the same type of questions as the midterms and may have essay questions.
All test grades will be posted to Neptun when available. Do not email asking when grades will be posted or for your grade; these emails will not receive a response.
There is no opportunity to postpone the time of the midterm neither to improve the midterm result. Missed Midterm/Exam – General Policies: Students must have an urgent reason for missing a course test, such as illness, compassionate grounds, etc., Supporting documentation (e.g., attending physician’s statement) is required and must be shown up to the practice teacher (or course coordinator) within one week. Valid documentation for medical situations consists of a current “Attending Physician’s Statement” Only the current form will be accepted. If you do not use the current form you will be asked to return to your physician to have the correct form filled in. A note that simply says you were seen in the clinic will not be accepted. Any documentation should cover the date of the missed test. If you have a valid reason for missing the original midterm, only one make up date will be scheduled for each midterm. We announce its date and place via a Neptun message. NOT all situations will be accommodated, meaning that a zero will be assigned on the missed test.
For taking the midterm (or exam), students have to prove their identity by an official formal personal document with a photo (i.e. passport, driving license).
Semi-final exam:
The topics are based on the textbooks and the lectures, so attending the latter ones greatly helps students to successfully prepare for the exam. At the exam, it is not sufficient to repeat memorized topics from the textbook and presentations, but you have to be able to synthesize and integrate your knowledge from different parts. The retake exam can be taken no sooner than on the 3rd day after the former exam.
The exam dates will be published one month before the beginning of the exam period. Registration for the exam dates (or modifying the registration) can be arranged exclusively online by the students’ registration system (NEPTUN). If you want to change your exam day, first you have to cancel your earlier sign up. Please, consider the registration deadlines for the exams (48 hrs before the beginning of the exam). Since we have to book the exam rooms in advance, we cannot change (increase) the number of examinees. The announcement of the results takes two-four working days, depending on the number of examinees. Here we would also like to warn you that in case of postponing your exam right to the end of the exam period, you may not be able to register to some of the subjects (which have Immunology as a prerequisite) of the next semester on time.
If you miss an exam, the second retake exam (and all others thereafter) can be taken upon payment of a retake fee. The receipt has to be presented to the examiner at the beginning of the exam. If you miss the exam for a valid reason you must request deferred standing. To request deferred standing you must submit a supporting documentation to the Students Administration Office of the Department (not to the Secretary) (NET 623) within 3 business days of the missed exam. Doctor’s notes are NOT sufficient for missed exams; you MUST have your doctor fill out the Attending Physician’s Statement (please make sure you are using the current version of the Attending Physician’s statement form – no other versions will be accepted).
Immunology consultations (in the NET building) – 2nd semester of 2018/19
17 December (Monday) | 13.00 | L15-16 |
2 January (Wednesday) | 10.00 | L15-16 |
7 January (Monday) | 11.00 | L15-16 |
14 January (Monday) | 11.00 | L15-16 |
21 January (Monday) | 11.00 | L15-16 |
28 January (Monday) | 11.00 | L15-16 |
The consultation lasts for maximum 70 minutes. If there are no students present at the beginning of the consultation, it will be cancelled.
For the competition, the department will invite those students who have achieved at least 30 points in the midterm exam.
Time and date of the competition: December 7th (Friday), 16:45 - 18:15, NET Brown Lecture hall.
Students having the best scores get a grade 4 or 5 offered to them and an exemption from the exam.
The competition includes the topics of lecture weeks 1-13 (also Immunology of transplantation) and practice weeks 1-12 (also Screening methods of autoantibodies and HLA typing).
Results of the competition:
JUSTIZ | 49 | 5 |
TZ | 48 | 5 |
AMPLITUDO | 47 | 5 |
VOLT | 45 | 5 |
O971DY | 44 | 4 |
HRO7P8 | 44 | 4 |
NEO | 43 | 4 |
HANS | 43 | 4 |
MIKA | 42 | 4 |
JEFFREY | 41 | 4 |
BIG BALLER | 41 | 4 |
OPDIVO | 40 | 4 |
RUDI | 38 | |
GREEN | 37 | |
HOFFMAN | 35 |
The user name and password are published in the NEPTUN.
Course coordinators:
Cell Science, Cell biology,
Genetics (EPh):
Dr. LÁNG, Orsolya
Dr. HOLUB, Marianna
+36 1 210 2930 / 56234
Genetics and Genomics:
Dr. HEGYESI, Hargita
+36 1 210 2930 / 56326
Academic (Neptun) administration:
+36 1 210 2950
+36 1 210 2930 / 56253