Medical Biology – Cell Biology (FOKOGEN004_1A) for Students of Dentistry
2017/18 Academic year - 1st semester
General information
Medical Biology – Cell Biology is a one semester subject for students of Dentistry. Claims for exemptions are only considered if handed to Dr. Orsolya Láng (tutor) not later than the 19th of September.
Medical Biology – Cell Biology has theoretical (lecture) and laboratory (practice) parts. Students must attend 75% of lectures, may have not more than four absences. Lecture attandance is regularly checked.
Practices are obligatory. More than three absences of ANY REASON during a semester invalidate the semester. There are no extra practices. A notebook for notes and drawings, and coloured pencils are needed in practices.
Remember the exact time of lectures and practices, don't be late for them. Being late from practice is considered as an absence.
The slides, microscopes and other belongings in the Labs (Practice Rooms) should be handled with care. Any disappearance or harm in them should be paid by the groups working in the same room.
In the first semester you have one written midterm exam: on the 9th week practice. Both practical and theoretical knowledge is tested on midterm. No opportunity for extra date or for retake and for correction.
In the examination period you have to take a final exam. You are allowed to take the exam if you have got the signature of the subject. Requirement of signature: not more than 3 absences from the practices that is verified by the practice teacher, and not more than 4 absences from the lectures.
Final exam (Medical Biology – Cell Biology) consists of an oral test (preparations, electron micrographs, methods applied in cell biology) and a written test (multiple choice, essays, drawings, etc. covering theoretical part of the subject). You have to pass both oral and written part of the exam. If you do not fail, the exam grade will be calculated as average of midterm grade (30%), oral test grade (20%) and written test grade (50%). In repeated exams the successful oral part needs not to be repeated.
Online registration for the exam is in the second part of November. Students have three chances to take the exam. Those who have two failed exams, have to obtain a "retake ticket" at the English Secretariate. Failed exam can be repeated after 3 days with new registration. In the examination period there are voluntary consultations.
On the homepage of the Department ( more information can be found: eg. slides of lectures, practices, summary of topics not found in the book, description of cytological methods, detailed topic list for midterms and exam.
Needed textbook:
Recommended textbooks:
Books are available at Medicina Könyvesbolt, Address: 1091 Budapest, Üllői út 91/A.
Phone: 215-3786, 215-9618, E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Head of Department: Prof. Dr. Edit Buzás -- room 717 (7th floor, NET building)
Tutor: Dr. Orsolya Láng - room 719 (7th floor, NET building)
Week |
Lecture Monday, 15.00 - 16.40 |
Practice Tuesday, 10.35 -11.20 or Wednesday 8.00 - 8.45 |
1. |
2. |
3. |
4. |
5. |
6. |
7. |
National Holiday |
8. |
9. |
10. |
11. |
12. |
13. |
14. |
Medical Biology consultations (in the NET building) - 1st semester of 2017/18
date | start | room |
18 December (Monday) | 13:00 | L15-16 |
20 December (Wednesday) | 10:00 | L13-15 |
2 January (Tuesday) | 11:00 | L13-15 |
8 January (Monday) | 11:00 | L13-15 |
15 January (Monday) | 11:00 | L13-15 |
22 January (Monday) | 11:00 | L13-15 |
29 January (Monday) | 11:00 | L13-15 |
The consultation lasts for maximum 90 minutes. If there are no students present at the beginning of the consultation, it will be cancelled.
The user name and password are published in the NEPTUN.
Course coordinators:
Cell Science, Cell biology,
Genetics (EPh):
Dr. LÁNG, Orsolya
Dr. HOLUB, Marianna
+36 1 210 2930 / 56234
Genetics and Genomics:
Dr. HEGYESI, Hargita
+36 1 210 2930 / 56326
Academic (Neptun) administration:
+36 1 210 2950
+36 1 210 2930 / 56253