
Biology II. (GYKGEN269E2A and GYKGEN269G2A)
for students of Pharmacy
in the second semester of 2023/2024 Academic Year 

Topic list



Tuesday 13:15-14:45
EOK Hári Lecture Hall


Tuesday 9:15-10:45
NET L13-14

Week 1
(Feb 13)

Transmission of genetic information
ppt / with voice: video

Typical and non-typical mitosis

Week 2
(Feb 20)

Introduction to human genetics,
the human genome
ppt / with voice: video

Meiosis and gametogenesis

Week 3
(Feb 27)

Chromosomal aberrations
ppt / with voice: video

Cytogenetics I
ppt   pdf

Week 4
(Mar 5)

Genetic variation I
ppt / with voice: video

Cytogenetics II

Week 5
(Mar 12)

Genetic variation II
ppt / with voice: video

Midterm I (Moodle test)
Mutagenic test

Week 6
(Mar 19)


 Introduction to monogenic inheritance,
pedigree analysis

Week 7
(Mar 26)

Monogenic inheritance
(Autosomal inheritance)
ppt / with voice: video

Molecular genetic methods and applications
in human genetics I
ppt   pdf

Week 8
(Apr 2)

Role of sex in inheritance

Molecular genetic methods and applications
in human genetics II

Week 9
(Apr 9)

Introduction to genomics
Methods in genomics
ppt   video   video  / with voice: video

Molecular genetic methods (protein detection) and applications
in human genetics III

Week 10
(Apr 16)

Complex traits and disorders I
ppt / with voice: video

Medical applications of genetic methods I

Week 11
(Apr 23)

Complex traits and disorders II
(Basics of population genetics)

Midterm II (Moodle test)

Week 12
(Apr 30)

Pharmaco- and nutrigenomics
ppt / with voice: video

Complex inheritance I

Week 13
(May 7)

Gene technology
ppt / with voice (2023): video

Medical applications of genetic methods II
Pre-implantational and prenatal genetic testing

Week 14
(May 14)

Genetics of biological processes
(Development and oncogenetics)
ppt / with voice: video

Medical applications of genetic methods III



Course information

General information


Prerequisite subject: Biology I
Credits: 2+2
Attendance: 75% of the lessons and practices
Exam: Moodle test in the exam period.


Biology II, which covers basic human genetics, has theoretical (GYKGEN269E2A - lecture) and laboratory (GYKGEN269G2A - practice) parts. According to the Academic and Examination Rules (17§ 7-8.) the students must visit at least 75% of the practices. Attendance on the practices will be checked weekly. More than three absences from the practices for any reason will invalidate the semester, no signature will be given and you will not be allowed to take the exam. There are no extra lectures and practices.

Remember the exact time of lectures and practices. Being late (10 minutes or more) from practice will be considered an absence.

In this semester, you have two midterms: in the 5th (Moodle test) and 11th week (Moodle test) during the practices. Midterms will include questions from both practices and lectures. Absence from the midterm will be considered an absence from practice. There is no opportunity to improve or retake the midterm.

Writing the mindterms is not mandatory. BUT, Students who obtain 75% of the total midterm score will receive a higher grade if they pass the exam (obtain more than 50% of the total score in the exam). For exmaple, if you receive a grade of 2 on the written exam, your final grade in NEPTUN will be 3. This option is only available until the end of the regular exam period and cannot be transferred to the extended exam period, CV, and FM courses.

You may also have homework and weekly test. (For example, there will be 5 Moodle questions in each of the lectures.)

If you recieve the signature, you will have a final exam during the exam period, which will be a Moodle test (multiple choice, essay, gap filling, etc. similar to midterms) covering practice and lecture parts of both Biology I and Biology II. To pass the final exam, you must score at least 50% on both the Biology I and II questions.

Registration for the exam can be done online through the Neptun system starting from the second half of April. Students will have three opportunities to take the exam. During the examination period, there will be voluntary consultations.

Further information will be available on the homepage ( as well as on the Moodle page of the department: e.g. lecture and practice presentations, detailed list of topics for midterm and final exam. (The username and password are on the Neptun course sheet)



Educational administrator

Andrea Kovács

Room 623 (6th floor) NET building

Course coordinator

Dr. Eszter Lajkó

Room 719 (7th floor) NET Building

Head of the Department

Prof. Dr. Edit Buzás

Room 717 (7th floor) NET Building



  • Genetics and genomics (e-book) - (The user name and password is on course datasheet of the Neptun)
  • Some chapters of Alberts et al.: Essential Cell Biology. (third or fourth edition) Garland Publ. Inc. are also useful
  • Lecture/practice presentations and pdf documents, which can be downloaded from our website ( and from the Moodle page of the course




Genetics and genomics ebook: pdf (updated version of 2022)



Exam topic list: pdf






Consultations in the exam period:



Room/Zoom URL


21.05. Tuesday




27.05. Monday



03.06. Monday

 10:00 NET L14 or 

10.06. Monday

8:00 NET L14   

17.06. Monday

 11:00 2024

24.06. Monday



01.07. Monday





The user name and password are published in the NEPTUN.

Course coordinators:
Cell Science, Cell biology,
Genetics (EPh):

Dr. LÁNG, Orsolya

Dr. HOLUB, Marianna
+36 1 210 2930 / 56234

Genetics and Genomics:
Dr. HEGYESI, Hargita
+36 1 210 2930 / 56326

Academic (Neptun) administration:
+36 1 210 2950
+36 1 210 2930 / 56253

Office hours of course coordinators >>>

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