
Genetics and Genomics (FOKGEN181_1A_CV or FOKOGEN240_1A-CV)
in the first semester of 2021/2022 Academic Year
for Dentistry students

In the first semester of 2021/2022 Academic Year Genetics and Genomics (FOKGEN181_1A_CV and FOKOGEN240_1A-CV is announced without lectures and practices. Those students who have already got signature but have not passed Genetics and Genomics exam, are allowed to take this exam in the examination period, after the first semester of 2021/2022 (with the number of possibilities that remained in the second semester of 2020/2021). They have to register in Neptun system for Genetics and Genomics labelled by CV (only exam) announced in the first semester of 2021/2022.

The exam dates will be given in Neptun system.

Note: CV course registration is allowed only after 00 or FM course registration.

The exam topics are the same as the topics of Genetics and Genomics (FOKOGEN240_1A) of the second semester of 2020/2021.

Information of Genetics and genomics exams

Exam info

The semester is finished by a written exam (multiple choice and essay questions, family tree, kariogram, evaluation of molecular genetic studies etc.) For passing (Grade 2-5), you have to reach more than 50 % of the exam scores. The final exam grade will be calculated from the sum of exam scores and bonus scores. The exam questions are based on the e-book, lecture and practice presentations and handouts.

Exam score

Final grade











The exam days will be published one month before the beginning of the examination period. Signing up and modification of the exam days can be arranged exclusively online by the students’ registration system (NEPTUN). If you want to change your exam day, first you have to cancel your earlier sign up. Please consider the registration deadlines for the exams. The time, the place and number of students may change after your registration, so check these parameters before the exam.

We wish you a successful exam!

Exam topic list: pdf

The user name and password are published in the NEPTUN.

Course coordinators:
Cell Science, Cell biology,
Genetics (EPh):

Dr. LÁNG, Orsolya

Dr. HOLUB, Marianna
+36 1 210 2930 / 56234

Genetics and Genomics:
Dr. HEGYESI, Hargita
+36 1 210 2930 / 56326

Academic (Neptun) administration:
+36 1 210 2950
+36 1 210 2930 / 56253

Office hours of course coordinators >>>

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