

Position: Professor Emeritus


 Birth: May 31, 1929, Törökszentmiklós (Hungary)

  August 31, 2020, Budapest


  • 1953 Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine: MD

Academic qualifications:

  • 1994 Dr. Med. Habil.
  • 1969 DSc
  • 1957 PhD

Present and previous positions:

  • 1971 - Semmelweis University Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology (previously Department of Biology):
    2000 - Professor emeritus
    1994 - 2000 Professor
    1971 - 1994 Professor and chairman
  • 1949 - 1971 Department of Histology and Embryology:
    1970 - 1971 Professor
    1963 - 70 Associate professor
    1959 - 63 Senior lecturer
    1956 - 59 Assistant professor
    1953 - 56 PhD student
    1949 - 53 Undergraduate assistant

Professional visits:

  • 1991 Department of Biology, Sch. Med., Waseda University (Susumu Ishii), Tokyo, Japan
  • 1983 and 1991 Department of Biochemistry, Gifu University (Yoshinori Nozawa), Gifu, Japan
  • 1964 Chester Beatty Research Institute (Peo C. Koller) and Guy's Hospital Med. Sch. (R. Batchelor) London, England


Activities in education:

  • Lectures and examination of students
  • Writing textbooks
  • Supervising PhD students (17 PhD dissertation were prepared under his direction)

Other activities at the university:

  • Chairman of the Scientific Student's Council (for five years)
  • Chairman of the Director's Council in the Theoretical Building (for five years)
  • Chairman of the Editorial Council Semmelweis Publisher (for 11 years)


  • Editorial Boards: Experimental Cell Biology (for 8 years), Acta Protozoologica (also at present)
  • Editor-in-Chief "Biologia" (for 10 years)
  • Chairman of the Book and Journal Committee Scientific Council of the Ministry of Health (for 8 year)
  • Member of the Editorial Council, Medicina Publisher (for 25 years)
  • Member of the Editorial Board "World of Nature"
  • Hungarian Biological Society (President of the Section for General and Theoratical Biology, for 10 years)
  • Educational Society of Budapest (President of the Biological Section for 10 years)
  • European Cell Biology Organisation
  • European Teratology Society

Honours and awards:

  • 2000 Khwarizmi International Award (1st prize)
  • 2000 COMSATS Award (1st prize)
  • 1999 Acta Biologica Hungarica published a jubilee issue in the occasion of his 70th birthday
  • 1994 "For the Hungarian Higher Education" medal (Ministry of Health)
  • 1994 Golden Signet of the Semmelweis University
  • 1992 Huzella Medal (Semmelweis University)
  • 1989 Pál Bugát Award (Educational Society)
  • 1987 "For the excellent work" medal (Students of Semmelweis University)
  • 1983 Huzella Prize (Hungarian Biological Society)
  • 1982 Outstanding Teacher (1st grade, Semmelweis University)
  • 1979 Memorial Medal (József Attila Free University)
  • Prize for high level books (five times)
  • Prize for high level papers from the journal, World of Nature

Research interests:

  • Cell biology, developmental biology, evolution and ontogenetic development of hormones and hormone receptors, hormonal imprinting

Research areas:

  • Elaborated and justified the three-phase theory of heterotransplants and the method of anti-antiserum
  • First observed the lymphoid (thymic) origin of mast cells and their endocrine regulation
  • First observed the enrichment of mast cells around malignant tumours and their effects on the tumorous proliferation
  • Gave new data on the interrelations between the pineal body and other endocrine organs and described (first) the connection between the pineal body and immune system
  • Observed (first) the receptor-level reaction of unicellular organisms to vertebrate hormones and described (first) the hormonal imprinting in such a low phylogenetic level, which was the first observed epigenetic phenomenon at cellular level
  • Demonstrated and justified the presence and importance of hormonal imprinting in invertebrates, vertebrates and mammals
  • Elaborated the theory of parallel running of hormone and receptor evolution
  • Observed the phenomenon op faulty imprinting caused by related or foreign molecules able to bind to the receptor (members of the hormone family, drugs, vitamins, environmental pollutants), which provokes life-long disturbances at receptor, hormone and sexual behavioral levels
  • Observed (first) the life-long hormone production influencing effect of hormonal imprinting in unicellular and mammalian level
  • Observed the presence of hormones in the immune cells and (first) in the nucleus of these cells
  • Elaborated a new immuno-endocrinological theory


  • Agar-binding tumour detection method, two drugs against tumours, one new histochemical method



  • English
  • German (reading)



Complete list of publications: MTMTPubMed



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