Birth: 1953
- 1978 Eötvös Lorand University, Faculty of Natural Sciences, biologist
Academic qualifications:
- 1996 Eötvös Lorand University Faculty of Natural Sciences, PhD
Present and previous positions:
- 1996 - Semmelweis University, Dept Genetics, Cell and Immunobiology; associate professor
- 1990 - 1996 Semmelweis University of Medicine, Dept. Biology; assistant professor
- 1985 - 1990 Chinoin Pharmaceutical Factory; research scientist
- 1978 - 1984 National Institute of Public Health, research scientist
Professional visits:
- 1999 - 2000 Department of Molecular Cell Biology, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan (Prof. T. Taga)
- 1997 Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany (Prof. Stefan Rose - John)
- 1992 Department of Biochemistry, Gifu University of Medicine, Gifu, Japan (Prof. Y. Nozawa)
- 1988 - 1989 Department of Biochemistry, Oxford Unersity, Oxford, England (Dr. J.K. Heath)
- 1983 Institute of Genetics, Biological Research Centre, Szeged, Hungary (dr. I. Raskó)
Honours and awards:
- 2010 Laudation of the Rector of Semmelweis University
- 2002 - Széchenyi István Fellowship
- 1999 Lecturer of the Year
- 1997 Laudation of the Rector of Semmelweis University
Activities in education:
- 1999 Lecturer of a special course (Genetics of sex)
- 1996 Supervisor of Dphil. students
- 1992 Lecturer in genetics both in Hungarian and in English
- 1990 - Tutor in English Program
- 1985 - Tutor in Hungarian Program
Other activities in the university:
- 1992 - 2005 Supervisor of the entrance exams in biology
- 1992 - Supervisor of biology training courses
- Scientific Societies: Hungarian Biological Society; Hungarian Immunological Society; Hungarian Society of Humangenetics; European Cell and Tissue Culture Society
Research interests:
- 2005 - Epigenetics
- 1999 - Stem cell differentiation; embryonic stem cell characterization; signal transduction;
- 1978 - 1999 Mutagenicity testing;
- 1978 - 1984 Cytogenetics and prenatal diagnostics
Complete list of publications: MTMT, PubMed