Ersek Barbara

Position: Senior Research Fellow
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Room: NET 709
Phone: +36 1 210 2930 / 56435



Research interests:

  • Tumor microenvironment, T cell mediated anti-tumor immune response, memory T-cells, T lymphocyte signal transduction, autoimmunity

Research areas:

  • Investigate the immunoregulatory role of human melanoma-associated fibroblasts
  • Cytotoxic T cell response modeling and analysis in mouse and human GVHD
  • Characterization of the function and examination of mouse tissue resident memory CD8+ T cells
  • MicroRNA expression analysis of human CD4+ cells
  • Analysis of human CD4+ T-cells in rheumatoid arthritis


  • English
  • German




Selected publications: 

  1. 2021 Mesenchymal-Stromal Cell-like Melanoma-Associated Fibroblasts Increase IL-10 Production by Macrophages in a Cyclooxygenase/Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase-Dependent Manner.
    Çakır U, Hajdara A, Széky B, Mayer B, Kárpáti S, Mezey É, Silló P, Szakács G, Füredi A, Pós Z, Érsek B, Sárdy M, Németh K.
    Cancers (Basel). 2021 Dec 7;13(24):6173. doi: 10.3390/cancers13246173.
    PMID: 34944793
  2. 2020 Melanoma-associated fibroblasts impair CD8+ T cell function and modify expression of immune checkpoint regulators via increased arginase activity.
    Érsek B, Silló P, Cakir U, Molnár V, Bencsik A, Mayer B, Mezey E, Kárpáti S, Pós Z, Németh K.
    Cell Mol Life Sci. 2021 Jan;78(2):661-673. doi: 10.1007/s00018-020-03517-8. Epub 2020 Apr 23.
    PMID: 32328671
  3. 2018 Skin-homing CD8+ T cells preferentially express GPI-anchored peptidase inhibitor 16, an inhibitor of cathepsin K. Lupsa N, Érsek B, Horváth A, Bencsik A, Lajkó E, Silló P, Oszvald Á, Wiener Z, Reményi P, Mikala G, Masszi T, Buzás EI, Pós Z. Eur J Immunol. 2018 Dec;48(12):1944-1957. doi: 10.1002/eji.201847552. IF (2017): 4.25, Q1
  4. 2018 Distinct In Vitro T-Helper 17 Differentiation Capacity of Peripheral Naive T Cells in Rheumatoid and Psoriatic Arthritis. Baricza E, Marton N, Királyhidi P, Kovács OT, Kovácsné Székely I, Lajkó E, Kőhidai L, Rojkovich B, Érsek B, Buzás EI, Nagy G. Front Immunol. 2018 Apr 4;9:606. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2018.00606. IF (2017): 6.077, Q1
  5. 2016 Unique patterns of CD8+ T cell-mediated organ damage in the Act-mOVA/OT-I model of acute graft versus host disease. B Érsek, N Lupsa, P Pócza, A Tóth, V Molnár, A Horváth, B Bagita, A Bencsik, H Hegyesi, A Matolcsy, E I Buzas, Z Pós; Cell Mol Life Sci. 2016 Apr 30. PMID: 27137185. IF (2016): 5.778 Q1
  6. 2012 CD3ζ-Chain Expression of Human T Lymphocytes Is Regulated by TNF via Src-like Adaptor Protein-Dependent Proteasomal Degradation. Ersek B, Molnár V, Balogh A, Matkó J, Cope AP, Buzás EI, Falus A, Nagy G. J Immunol. 2012 Aug 15;189(4):1602-10. PMID: 22798681. IF: 5.788, Q1
  7. 2012 MicroRNA-132 targets HB-EGF upon IgE-mediated activation in murine and human mast cells. Molnár V, Ersek B, Wiener Z, Tömböl Z, Szabó PM, Igaz P, Falus A. Cell Mol Life Sci. 2011 Aug 19. PMID: 21853268. IF: 6.57, Q1

Complete list of publications:
 MTMT, PubMed

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