Pallinger Eva

Position: Associate Professor
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Room: NET 707
Phone: +36 1 210 2930 / 56242



Birth: 1962


  • 1980 - 1986: Semmelwes University of Medicine, Budapest, Hungary

Professional qualifications:

  • 1999: Certification of Clinical Chemistry
  • 1986: Semmelwes University of Medicine, Budapest (Hungary), MD

Present and previous positions:

  • research worker

Activities at the university:

  • Flow cytometric measurements in the special fields of oncohematology

Research interests:

  • hematology, immunology, flow cytometry

Research and Expertise:

  • Investigation of histamine in the regulation of hemopoiesis:
  • Investigation of bone marrow repopulation after whole body irradiation in histidine-decarboxylase enzyme (HDC) -ko and wilde type mice
  • Is there any difference between IL3R expression on bone marrow cells of HDC-ko and WT mice?
  • Is there any difference between IL3R expression on bone marrow cells of HDC-ko and WT mice during bone marrow repopulation after irradiation?
  • Has any influence the inhibition of HDC enzyme or blocking of H1 and H2 receptors on IL3R expression in an in vitro cell culture system? • Is there any difference between irradiation-induced apoptosis of bone marrow cells of HDC-ko and WT mice?


  • Hungarian
  • English



Complete list of publications: MTMTPubMedGoogle Scholar



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