Birth: Miskolc, Hungary; 1 November, 1975
- 2009 Specialization on Medical Laboratory Diagnostics - Semmelweis University, Budapest
- 2008 PhD degree (summa cum laude) – in clinical medicine - School of PhD Studies, Semmelweis University, Budapest
Title of thesis: Factors influencing severity and treatability of allergic airway inflammation
Tutor: Prof. Gyorgy Losonczy; Pulmonology Program Director: Prof. Pal Magyar
- 2000 Medical Doctor (cum laude) – Semmelweis Medical University, Budapest
Title of thesis: The effects of high altitude on humans.
The altitude sickness.
Academic qualifications:
- 2008 PhD degree (summa cum laude) – in clinical medicine - School of PhD Studies, Semmelweis University, Budapest
Other Skills:
- Flow cytometre experience: BD FACSCalibur, ARIA III upgrade (13 channels), LSRFortessa (18 channels), Beckman Coulter Galios és Navios (9 and 7 channels), Kaluza analisis software
- 1998 Photographer profession certificate
Present and previous positions:
- 2018- Assistant professor, Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Semmelweis University
- 2013-2018 Assistant professor, Head of diagnostic laboratory, Dept. of Pulmonology, Semmelweis University
- 2011-2012 European Respiratory Society Fellow and postdoc researcher, Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF) 29 months, Davos, Switzerland
- 2008-2013 Assistant lecturer, Dept. of Pulmonology, Semmelweis University
- 2004-2008 Resident and trainee in medical laboratory diagnostics, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary
- 2001-2004 PhD student, Department of Pulmonology, Semmelweis University
- 2000-2001 Medical adviser, Richter Gedeon Pharmaceutical Inc.
Achievements, Grants and Fellowships
- 2018 European Respiratory Society Congress, Paris
„Hot Topics” section organizer, entitled „Role of innate lymphoid cells in asthma”
- 2018 Editors’ Choice publication in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Title: „Human CD40L-expressing type 3 innate lymphoid cells induce IL-10-producing immature transitional regulatory B cells”
- 2018 Outstanding Reviewer in 2017, Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
- 2018 Hungarian Pediatric Oncology Network, Research Grant (800 000 HUF)
- 2017 Christine Kühne – Center for Allergy Research and Education
CK-CARE – Scientist Exchange Program (8800 CHF)
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), Davos, Switzerland, 4 months
- 2014 Semmelweis Symposium Budapest – Trends in Pulmonology, Secretary
- 2013 Christine Kühne – Center for Allergy Research and Education
CK-CARE – Scientist Exchange Program (6600 CHF)
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), Davos, Switzerland, 3 months
- 2013 European Academy of Allergy and Clinical Immunology – World Allergy Organization conference (Milan, Italy)
Oral abstract session winner (200 €)
- 2012 Scientific Award, Graubünden forscht, (Davos, Svájc) –
Young Scientists in Contest (500 CHF)
- 2010 European Respiratory Society – Long Term Research Fellowship (47 192 €)
Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), Davos, Svájc; 12 months + 17 months as postdoc researcher
Supervisor: Prof. Dr. Cezmi A. Akdis
- 2009 Hungarian Pulmonology Foundation, Research Grant (1 365 000 HUF)
- 2006 Pulmonology, Allergology and Immunology Foundation (TAIM)
Basic Science Award, 1st prize (100 000 HUF)
- 2005 Guest Researcher, National Jewish Medical and Research Center, 1 month, Denver, Co., USA, (Supervisor: Prof. Erwin W. Gelfand.)
- European Respiratory Society
- Hungarian Pulmonology Society
- Hungarian Society for Immunology
Invited Congress Talks
- Human CD40 ligand-expressing type 3 innate lymphoid cells induce IL-10–producing immature transitional regulatory B cells.
2018. European Respiratory Society congress, Paris
- A type 3 innate lymphoid cell subset induces IL-10-producing B cell differentiation.
2014. World Immune Regulation Meeting (WIRM), Davos
- Effects of natural killer T (NKT) cell-activation in lung
2010. Hungarian Physiological Society, annual meeting, Szeged
- Role of bronchoalveolar lavage in research of allergic airway inflammation
2009. Hungarian Physiological Society, annual meeting, Budapest
Peer-Reviewed Publications
- Komlósi ZI, Kovacs N, van de Veen W, Kirsch AI, Fahrner HB, M, Wawrzyniak, Rebane A, Stanic B, Palomares O, Rückert B, Menz G, Akdis M, Losonczy G, Akdis CA.
Human CD40L-expressing type 3 innate lymphoid cells induce IL-10-producing immature transitional regulatory B cells. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018; 142(1):178.
Corresponding authors: Komlósi ZI and Akdis CA. IF: 13.258.
- Bikov A, Kunos L, Pállinger É, Lázár Z, Kis A, Horváth G, Losonczy G, Komlósi ZI.
Diurnal variation of circulating microvesicles is associated with the severity of obstructive sleep apnoea.
Sleep and Breathing 2017; 21:595. IF: 2.332.
- Rosta K, Al-Aissa Z, Hadarits O, Harreiter J, Nádasdi Á, Kelemen F, Bancher-Todesca D, Komlósi ZI, Németh L, Rigó J Jr, Sziller I, Somogyi A, Kautzky-Willer A, Firneisz G. Association Study with 77 SNPs Confirms the Robust Role for the rs10830963/G of MTNR1B Variant and Identifies Two Novel Associations in Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Development.
Plos one 2017; 10;12(1):e0169781. IF: 3.057.
- Akdis M, Aab A, Altunbulakli C, Azkur K, Costa RA, Crameri R, Duan S, Eiwegger T, ljaszewicz A, Ferstl R, Frei R, Garbani M, Globinska A, Hess L, Huitema C, Kubo T, Komlósi ZI, Konieczna P, Kovacs N, Kucuksezer UC, Meyer N, Morita H, Olzhausen J, O’Mahony L, Pezer M, Prati M, Rebane A, Rhyner C, Rinaldi A, Sokolowska M, Stanic B, Sugita K, Treis A, van de Veen W, Wanke K, Wawrzyniak M, Wawrzyniak P, Wirz OF, Zakzuk JS and Akdis CA.
Interleukins (from IL-1 to IL-38), interferons, transforming growth factor b, and TNF-a: Receptors, functions, and roles in diseases.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 2016; 138(4):984. (27 p. printed and 398 p. online) IF:13.081.
- Mathé C, Bohács A, Duffek L, Lukácsovits J, Komlósi ZI, Szondy K, Horváth I, Muller V, Losonczy G.
Cisplatin nephrotoxicity aggravated by cardiovascular disease and diabetes in lung cancer patients.
Eur Respir J 2011; 37(4):888. IF:5.895.
- Szilvási A, Andrikovics H, Pongrácz E, Kalina A, Komlósi ZI, Klein I, Tordai A.
Frequencies of four ATP-binding cassette transporter G8 polymorphisms in patients with ischemic vascular diseases.
Genet Test Mol Biomarkers 2010; 14(5):667. IF: 1.17.
- Lázár Z, Cervenak L, Orosz M, Gálffy G, Komlósi ZI, Bikov A Losonczy G, Horváth I.
Adenosine triphosphate concentration of exhaled breath condensate in asthma.
Chest 2010; 138(3):536. IF:6.36.
- Sziksz E, Kozma GT, Komlósi ZI, Pállinger É, Kardos M, Szebeni B, Losonczy G, Falus A, Szabó A, Tulassay T, Vannay A.
Increased synthesis of VEGF in allergic airway inflammation in histidine decarboxylase knockout (HDC–/–) mice.
Exp Lung Res 2010; 36(7):420. IF:1.177.
- Sziksz E, Kozma GT, Pállinger É, Komlósi ZI, Adori C, Kovács L, Szebeni B, Rusai K, Losonczy G, Szabó A, Vannay A.
Galectin-9 in allergic airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness in mice.
Int Arch Allergy Immunol 2010; 151(4):308-17. IF: 2.542.
- Bohács A, Pállinger É, Tamási L, Rigó J Jr, Komlósi ZI, Müller V, Dong Y, Magyar P, Falus A, Losonczy Gy.
Surface markers of lymphocyte activation in pregnant asthmatics.
Inflamm Res Inflamm Res. 2010 Jan ;59(1):63-70. IF: 1.457.
- Tölgyesi G, Molnár V, Semsei AF, Kiszel P, Ungvári I, Pócza P, Wiener Z, Komlósi ZI, Kunos L, Gálffy G, Losonczy G, Seres I, Falus A, Szalai C.
Gene expression profiling of experimental asthma reveals a possible role of paraoxonase-1 in the disease.
Int Immunol 2009; 21(8):967-75. IF: 3.403.
- Komlósi ZI, Pozsonyi É, Tábi T, Szökő É, Nagy A, Bartos B, Kozma GT, Tamási L, Orosz M, Magyar P and Losonczy G.
Lipopolysaccharide exposure makes allergic airway inflammation and hyper-responsiveness less responsive to dexamethasone and inhibition of iNOS.
Clin Exp Allergy 2006; 36:951-9. IF: 3.668.
- Tamási L, Bohács A, Pállinger É, Falus A, Rigó J, Jr., Müller V, Komlósi ZI, Magyar P, Losonczy G.
Increased interferon-gamma- and interleukin-4-synthesizing subsets of circulating T lymphocytes in pregnant asthmatics.
Clin Exp Allergy 2005; 35:1197-203. IF: 3.553.
- Kozma GT, Losonczy G, Keszei M, Komlosi ZI, Buzás E, Pállinger É, Appel J, Szabó T, Magyar P, Falus A, Szalai Cs.
Histamine deficiency in gene-targeted mice strongly reduces antigen-induced airway hyper-responsiveness, eosinophilia and allergen-specific IgE.
Int Immunol 2003; 15:963-73. IF: 3.69.
Book chapters, other publications
- Komlósi ZI.
Mikrobiológiai diagnosztika; Laboratóriumi vizsgálatok a pulmonológiai gyakorlatban; Bronchoalveoláris lavage.
In Losonczy G, Müller V, Horváth G. (editors) A pulmonológia kézikönyve. Medicina in press.
- Komlósi ZI.
Mikrobiológiai diagnosztika;
In Tulassay Z. (editor) Klinikai belgyógyászat. Medicina 2017.
- Bikov A, Süttő Z, Bohács A, Csizsér E, Gáll O, Komlósi ZI, Losonczy G, Müller V.
A bronchoalveolaris lavage citológia helye a tüdőtranszplantáltak akut gyulladásos kórképeiben
Med Thor 2016; október.
- Komlósi ZI.
Laboratóriumi vizsgálatok.
In Tulassay Z, Lapis K, Zalatnai A. (editors) A hasnyálmirigy daganatai. Medicina 2014.
- Komlósi ZI.
Mikrobiológiai diagnosztika.
In Magyar P, Losonczy G. (editors) A pulmonológia kézikönyve (chapter 2.8) Medicina 2012.
- Máthé Cs, Bohács A, Duffek L, Lukácsovits J, Komlósi ZI, Szondy K, Horváth I, Müller V, Losonczy G.
Cardiovascularis betegségben és diabetes mellitusban szenvedő tüdőcarcinomás betegekben fokozódik a cisplatin nephrotoxikus hatása
Med Thor 2011; január.
- Komlósi ZI, Losonczy G.
Glücocorticoid rezisztencia asztmában
Med Thor 2009; 62:234-245.
- Komlósi ZI, Losonczy G.
Regulációs T sejtek allergiában és asztmában
Amega 2008; 15(3):25-29.
- Losonczy G, Bohács A, Komlósi ZI, Tamási L, Rigó J, Jr., Müller V, Magyar P.
Anergia és immunstimuláció terhességben
Med Thor 2006; 59:37-46.
Complete list of publications: MTMT